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Free Guide To Creating Pins That Get Noticed

You probably know by now that Pinterest is an awesome source of traffic for your blog or your affiliate links.

The secret is getting your pins noticed in a sea of thousands of other pins all clamouring for the attention of the reader.

The goal is creating a pin that takes off, a viral pin.

Free guide to Pinterest pins! Grow your blog traffic and get your pins noticed with this free guide to creating the perfect pin for Pinterest. Great for bloggers or brands looking to grow their Pinterest traffic.


Once you unlock the secret to making pins that stand out, grab readers and grow your traffic, you can use the same formula for every pin you make.

When I first started blogging, I was completely overwhelmed with all of the information out there. Do this, do that, Pinterest “likes” that, Pinterest hates those pins. I didn’t know what to do and as a result, I made a mess of my pins.

Fast forward a few months of researching, trial and (a lot of) error and I got my first viral pin. And another, and another.

To save you all of the testing and trials I went through, I’ve put together a FREE ebook that will guide you through the steps to make an awesome pin each and every time, regardless of your niche or blog topic.

Learn how to:

  • Choose the right images for to catch your reader’s attention
  • Write catchy headlines
  • Use Keywords and Descriptions to your advantage
  • Optimize your pins for the Pinterest search tool and reach more viewers

Download your free ebook by submitting your email below!

Create The Perfect Pin In Minutes!

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The ebook will show you the exact method I used to create pins that grew my traffic from 0-85,000 page views my first 5 months of blogging. I now spend less time creating pins and more time writing content thanks to my tried and true viral pin strategy.

You’ll also get Pinterest and blogging tips direct to your email – not too often but enough to keep you up to date on everything going on in blogland!