You probably use essential oils to make your house smell nice or to create a sense of calm in your home but if you are struggling with infertility, you might want to consider adding essential oils for male fertility to your arsenal. You might be surprised to know that male infertility is a factor in …
When after months, or even years of struggling to conceive, the moment you get your BFP is wonderful. But as many women know, pregnancy after infertility can also be full of anxiety, guilt and even imposter syndrome. After so much heartache and worry, it seems crazy that we wouldn’t just be happy and enjoy the …
One of the the strangest things with infertility is that as a society we tend to assume the woman is the one with the issue. There are countless articles about what women should eat to improve their fertility but much less on the best fertility supplements and food for men. Maybe it is because more …
Searching for fertility success stories online is a bit of a rite of passage in the infertility World. I know I personally spent hours googling for positive outcomes of the different treatments I was going through. Although we are all different and everyone’s story will have its own outcome, there is definitely some comfort to …
Trying to get pregnant and finding out it’s not as easy as your high school teacher made it look? Your chances of getting pregnant each cycle you try is about 27.5% if you are under 35. 35 to 40 years old — and your odds get cut in half. I don’t share those numbers to …