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RankIQ Review- Great Keyword Search Tool For Bloggers

RankIQ Review – Everything you need to know about this brand new SEO Tool. 

One of the things I have found with blogging is that there is always something new to buy. A hot new course or a must-have new ebook. is always just on the horizon. 

As I’ve always tried to keep my costs down when running my blog, I’m always looking for the best tools for the job at the best price which is why I am really excited to share my RankIQ review today.

RankIQ is a new keyword research software that has enabled me to save money and write my blog posts more efficiently. It’s also easy to use which to be honest, is the best part about it. Tech expert I am not! 

Read on to see whether RankIQ could help you to get more traffic and grow your blog quickly, plus see my results on two different blogs – one established and one brand new blog!

How to use RankIQ for keyword research

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RankIQ Review

(No time? You can check out videos on RankIQ here)

I currently run 3 blogs which require lots and lots of content. Although I enjoy brainstorming and coming up with my own ideas, there are two issues with that. 

  1. I run out of good ideas quickly
  2. The ideas I do have don’t necessarily relate to traffic to my blog

The Simple Truth?

The only way you can have a successful blog is to write content that other people want to read. 

Not content that you want to write about. 

So how can you find what topics people want to right about? 

You use a keyword research tool. 

What Is Keyword Research?

Researching keywords involves finding out what words or phrases are the most searched for on Google and writing posts that “target” those keywords and the the traffic that accompanies them. 

So, for example, if your blog is about DIY home decor, you could see what people search for the most when it comes to home projects. 

You would then create posts around those keywords and hopefully get on the first page of Google for the search results of those keywords. 

In order to do keyword research you need some kind of tool that will show you a couple of things: 

Keyword Search Volume

This is how often a keyword is searched on Google per year or month, on average. I say on average because some terms are only searched during one time of the year and the rest of the time no one searches for them. 

Examples of this would be seasonal terms like Halloween Recipes or Easter Decor. 


The second factor is how competitive a keyword is. Even if a keyword gets 1m searches a month, if the competition is fierce, then there is no point in trying to rank for it. 

This is especially true for ultra common terms like Chocolate Chip Cookies or brands. Many times brands and stores like Amazon will rank in the top spots for these terms which make it hard for the average blogger to get any traffic. 

Now you know the two factors involved in choosing a topic for your blog content, let’s look at how RankIQ can help you. 

What Is RankIQ?

 RankIQ is a keyword research program that I decided to try out as soon as it launched in February 2021 and while it was still in beta phase.

It was created by Brandon Gaille,  host of The Blogging Millionaire podcast and a top blogger on Mediavine, which is how I discovered him – he is active in the Mediavine Facebook group. 

I have listened to his podcast for a few years (it is packed with quality tips) so to be honest it was a bit of a no-brainer for me to jump onto this product as I knew it would be quality. 

I’ve always hesitated to fork out for keyword tools because they are SO expensive (like $150-200 a MONTH).

RankIQ is less than half the cost and  makes it so much simpler to get the information you need.

I really don’t have time to wade through thousands of reports or download and sort CSV files all day. 

My wish list for a keyword research tool are that it is:

  • Easy to use with no technical know-how
  • No CSV reports to download before I get the info I need
  • Budget-friendly for new bloggers
  • Effective

In my opinion, RankIQ ticks all those boxes and more. It has helped me grow my traffic on all of my blogs and saved me so much time. 

How does RankIQ work?

RankIQ is a database of hundreds of different niche keywords and topics with all the information you need to rank for the phrase you choose. 

How To Use The Keyword Research Library

This is what I use the most. So far it has worked really well for me and takes just a few minutes to use. 

All you have to do when you use it is choose your niche and you will get a list of keywords with the difficulty to rank for them.

Each niche is broken into deep dive niches so you can really hone in on the kinds of topics you write about. 

You can then sort through them to find posts you want to write.

As you can see below, you can also search by keyword. 

RankIQ Review

Here is a sample of what happened when I searched for Ikea Hacks (which incidentally is a HUGE search on Pinterest too).


rankiq review


So what you can do once you have run a report for your niche is go through the Keyword Phrases and sort by “time to rank” or “visits per year”. 

I go through the whole list and note down which phrases I might want to write about. I then sort them by Time to rank and work on the quickest ones first. 

You can select the phrases you want and add them to your Keyword list so you can refer to them whenever you want. 

You can also click “Run Report” and get a deep dive on a specific keyword. Note that you get 16 reports a month on the regular plan which I find to be more than enough for a “regular” blogger like me, even with managing 3 sites. 

Here is what I got when I ran the report for “Ikea Bar Hacks”

My review of RankIQ


As you can see you can also download a list of topics Google is expecting you to cover. 

You also get information on the following:

Title Analysis – Including Examples of high ranking titles featuring the keyword

Competition Analysis – Who is ranking right now

If you click on the “Content Optimizer” tab, you get a nifty way to check that your post is optimized for the keyword you choose:

RankIQ content optimizer



All you have to do is write your post as usual then copy and paste it into the Content Optimizer. 

As you can see, RankIQ gives you all the tools to write great posts that rank quickly. 

How Much Does RankIQ Cost?

Currently RankIQ is $49 a month as there is a $50 discount offer as it is a new product. 

Considering that the main Keyword Research tools are much more expensive, I feel that RankIQ is the BEST value out there right now for bloggers. 

Compared to the other AI SEO Tools:

SEMRUSH is $119.95 a month

Ahrefs is $99 monthly for their lowest plan 

Moz is $99 a month

RankIQ is $49 a month

Bear in mind that you do not have to commit to a year or any kind of term with RankIQ so you can try it for a few months and see how you go. 

RankIQ is supposed to go up to $100 a month at some point but it hasn’t happened as of this writing so if you want to lock it in at $49 a month, I recommend you do it soon. 

Click here to go to the RankIQ homepage. 

My Results With RankIQ

AKA why I love RankIQ. 

As I mentioned, I started using RankIQ in February but to be honest, I didn’t really start using it for new content until March and April. 

How I Used RankIQ

Confession – I never have enough time and am always looking for quick fixes so I only used the niche search function to get the results below. I did not run reports or use the content optimizer. I can only imagine how great my results would be if I had used them. 

What I Did

First, I spent about an hour on RankIQ going through the results for my niche.

Then I created a Google Doc and copied and pasted the keyword phrases that looked interesting to me. 

I made sure to copy the Competition and Time To Rank columns too. I sorted my spreadsheet by Time To Rank. 

After that, every time I went to write a new post, I simply went down the list on my Google Doc and wrote a post using the Keyword from RankIQ. 

I think between March and June 2021 I write 20 new posts. 

Here you can see my results as of July 1 2021:

rankIQ results

Note that this is for an established blog that was started in 2018. 

I’m really pleased with my results and plan to continue to use RankIQ for all my keyword research from now on but I will start using the Content Optimizer too. 

Will RankIQ work for New Blogs? 

This is what I was really interested in. It is all well and good ranking on Google with an established site but new sites can often take between 6-12 months to even get SEEN by Google, let alone rank. 

So, as means of a little experiment, I started a brand new blog in May 2021.

I used only RankIQ for keyword research using the same method I mentioned above. 

Here are my results for the first month of the blog being live:

Can RankIQ work for a new blog


Obviously there are not a ton of clicks or traffic but the blog is actually ranking on the second page of Google for the odd keyword.

I am 100% confident that this will grow as time goes by and I add more keyword-optimized posts to the site (there are currently only 10 posts). 

What I love About RankIQ

Obviously this RankIQ Review is positive!

Although there are some improvements that could be made,  Brandon is adding new features all the time and I really enjoy using RankIQ. 

The Pros of RankIQ are:

  • Ease of use – this is #1 for me because I just don’t have time to mess around with sorting CSV files or learning new software). 
  • Accuracy – My results show that RankIQ gives great results that actually help to grow your blog. 
  • Price – Yes, it isa monthly cost but all SEO tools are. RankIQ is the biggest bang for your buck in my opinion. 
  • Brandon – LOL, I know that sounds funny but Brandon actually responds to emails and wants feedback on missing niches and features. What other SEO tool offers that? 

Who Shouldn’t Use RankIQ?

If you are already paying for one of the other SEO tools and are happy with it, then RankIQ would likely be superfluous. However, I would strongly encourage you to give it a try and perhaps save yourself a bunch of time and money. 

RankIQ Review – Final Thoughts

RankIQ has made my life much easier.

I feel confident in the blog posts I have been writing as I know I am actually targeting keywords that I can rank for instead of just throwing spaghetti at the wall and just hoping something sticks. 

I would highly recommend any new blogger try it out for a month or so to see how it works.

Established bloggers can use it for optimizing old posts and boosting their Google ranking as well as finding new topics to write on. 

It is also a great tool if you are planning on starting a second blog. You can take some time to see the kinds of niches that you could rank for and go from there. 

For more information on RankIQ and to watch Brandon’s videos on how it works, 

Click through to check out RankIQ. 

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RankIQ Review

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Tuesday 13th of July 2021

Imagine if they would move yoast out of the way with a Wordpress plugin too! That would be Amazing so the writing part would be through the pluging inside the post you are writing like with yoast now instead of the copy/paste πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ Have been waiting for something like this and i was chocked when the monthly price of ahrefs and the others… For real, its insane! πŸ˜‚ Higher per months than my hosting + theme price together PER YEAR.. So this is great! 😎


Wednesday 14th of July 2021

That would be amazing Tessa! Great idea, I totally agree with the high costs of most keyword search tools and I'm so glad I found out about RankIQ.