You probably know that sometimes you need to spend money in order to buy high quality items that last instead of needing to be replaced every few years.
Most financial experts are concerned with teaching you to conserve your dollars any way you can.
However, sometimes, there are actually reasons that you should spend a little more to ultimately save more.
When you’re paying out your hard earned money for appliances, furniture, or other things you use every day, you want them to hold up and last over the long haul.
I am a big fan of the Reddit sub called Buy It For Life that showcases high quality items that last for years and years (or that have great lifetime guarantees).
Below you will find 5 things that it is worth spending a little bit more on in order to get a quality product that lasts (plus a few alternatives that won’t break the bank).
5 High Quality Items That Are Worth Your Money 
1. A Good Quality Coffeemaker
If you’re a coffee aficionado, you know how important it is to make a good cup of coffee.
Considering that a coffeemaker may be able to take the place of your daily Starbucks or coffee shop runs, it can be worth investing in a quality machine.
Choosing the right coffee maker for you
Do you drink several cups daily?
Choose a sturdy, energy-efficient coffeemaker model.
The least expensive model will likely not fulfill the task of keeping up with your coffee habit.
Do you love your coffee but limit yourself to one cup daily?
Consider one of the single-serving models like a Keurig.
Yes, they’re expensive, but they’ll last for many years. Save money and the environment by buying a refillable pod.
2. Knives for the kitchen
Good knives will last longer than you will.
There is a reason that a great knife set makes a perfect wedding gift.
They last longer than many marriages! Be willing to pay more for quality, guaranteed-for-life knives.
Many areas still have knife sharpeners who drive around the neighbourhood if you need them eventually.
3. Lawn Mower
I learned the hard way that a cheap mower just won’t last.
You may get a season out of it but nothing is more annoying that getting the mower out and hoping to quickly get the lawn done and it not working.
A good lawn mower, constructed with quality parts, will pay off many times over.
Pay a few bucks more to get the best (not necessarily the biggest) lawn mower.
4. Mattress
The mattress industry has had a bit of a shake up in recent years and to be honest, you don’t need to spend thousands for a good quality mattress.
It’s still a big purchase that we often only make every decade so don’t cheap out but buy wisely.
Back in the day, the mark-up on mattresses was something like 90% which was why you could haggle at the mattress store.
Now you can buy all kinds of mattresses online which has eliminated a ton of the profit from the traditional mattress companies.
I recently purchased a mattress from Amazon of all places and I can hand on heart say its the most comfortable mattress I’ve ever slept on!
I have a bad back and this mattress is a Godsend.
And it was a fraction of the cost of a regular mattress.
5. Sofa
Think of the abuse a sofa goes through-kids jumping on it, you propping your feet on it, and your spouse taking a nap on it.
It needs solid construction and well-designed cushions to last over the years.
If you’ve ever owned a cheaply-made sofa, you know this is true.
Cheap sofas just don’t stand the test of time.
You want a quality couch with removable cushion covers that can be washed.
Of course, when shopping for any of these items, do your homework in advance to find out as much as possible about the particular brand and model you are planning to purchase.
Look for sales on well-designed, quality-constructed items.
The bottom line is that when you pay more for these items, they’ll pay you back by lasting more years with no or fewer break-downs.
Be ready to spend more when you know that, in the long run, it will pay off in spades!
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