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4 Smart Ways To Increase Your Pinterest Traffic For Free

Most bloggers know that Pinterest can be an awesome source of blog traffic but in reality,  it isn’t as easy as just making some Pinterest boards, pinning away and hoping for your pins to go viral.

If you want to grow your Pinterest traffic quickly, there are a few ways you can promote your pins beyond your own boards.


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Using the four tools below, I have grown my blog traffic from 0-35,000 page views in just 3 months!

Almost 90% of my traffic comes from Pinterest so you can see that these methods really do work and are worth trying if you want to boost your blog.

You can check out my Blog Traffic Reports to see how I have grown my blog:

My Blog Income Report For My 3rd Month Of Blogging

70,000 Pageviews in 4 months – July Blog Report

From 0-90K PageViews in 9 Months

In addition to promoting your blog using the four tools I mention below, you should also work on a sound Pinterest strategy whether that be using a scheduler or manual pinning like I do.

You can read all about my Pinterest strategy here.

Of course, you should promote your blog in other places than Pinterest. If you want some ideas of places to try, this list of 25 free place to promote your latest post will help.

READ NOW: 25 Fantastic Places to Promote Your Blog For Free

Four Easy Ways To Grow Your Pinterest Traffic

Pinterest Group Boards

You have probably heard about group boards already and that they “aren’t as good as they used to be”. This may be true but they are still pretty awesome for getting exposure for your pins very quickly and for free!

Pinterest group boards allow you to pin your content and be seen by someone else’s followers, thus expanding your reach easily.

To join group boards, you have to request an invite from the board owner who will take a look at your profile and either send you an invite or ignore you.

It can be a bit demoralizing when you are just starting out because many group boards are closed to new contributors.

My guide to finding the best group boards includes a sample request script and lots of information about making the most out of group boards.

READ NOW: How To Find & Join The Best Pinterest Group Boards

RELATED: 8 Pinterest Group Boards For Mom Bloggers

Pinning Pods

Pinning pods are reciprocal groups, normally on Facebook, of bloggers who want to grow their Pinterest exposure. They are very simple and their effectiveness depends entirely on the members of the pod are and how engaged they are.

  • Each member leaves their Pinterest “Best Of Board” URL on the daily thread
  • Each person visits the “Best of board” of all the other pod members and repins 3 of their pins to their own boards or group boards.
  • Repeat daily or every other day.

The idea is that your pins are being repinned to different boards and hopefully picking up traction on Pinterest. If there are 10 members of a pod pinning, you will be getting 27 repins a day from the pod alone.

How to find a pinning pod to join: You can either create your own pod with a group of blogging friends or find an existing one. Pods work best if all the bloggers are in the same niche so that sharing is easier.

Tailwind Communities

Tailwind Communities are a little bit similar to Pinterest board groups except they are located on the Tailwind App.

Tailwind is a Pinterest Scheduler that pins your content automatically throughout the day so that you aren’t spending hours pinning manually.

I actually prefer to pin my content manually using the Pinteresting Strategies method but I still pay for a subscription to Tailwind so I can schedule from Tribes and make use of their amazing analytics.

If you are not currently a user of Tailwind and are interested in checking it out, this link will give you a free trial with no strings attached.

Communities are a free feature of Tailwind and are great to use in combination with the Pinterest group boards. They work almost exactly the same as the group boards.

  • Join a community
  • Pin your content to the community
  • Repin other people’s content (normally on a 1:1 basis)
  • Gain exposure by other bloggers repinning your content

Communities can be a bit confusing at first so I created a tutorial to get you started.

READ NOW: Why Tailwind Communities Are Awesome For New Bloggers

Facebook Sharing Groups

Facebook groups are one of the best ways to grow your Pinterest traffic when you are a new blogger.

There are tons of Facebook groups run by bloggers for bloggers and many of them have sharing days where you can promote your content.

  • Post a link to a pin in the Facebook Sharing thread
  • Reciprocate by repinning a certain number of other pins to your boards.  
  • You normally have 24 hours in which to reciprocate. 

How to find Facebook Sharing groups

You can search for groups using the Facebook search bar and you should find plenty to join. I’ve also compiled a list of active Facebook groups that have sharing threads you can promote your blog and pins in.

Create The Perfect Pin In Minutes!

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Create The Perfect Pin In Minutes!

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Tuesday 20th of February 2018

Love love love your blog! Thanks for this awesome post! Just joined blogging with a heart!


Tuesday 20th of February 2018

Thanks so much, Erika. Blogging with a Heart is one of my favourite groups! Such nice ladies who want everyone to succeed! Good Luck with your blog!