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Fertility Prayer For A Friend {14 Miracle Prayers About Getting Pregnant}

Are you looking for a fertility prayer for a friend or loved one who is struggling to get pregnant? 

Your sister, friend or daughter desperately wants to start a family and it just doesn’t seem to be happening. Unfortunately this is all too common and heartbreaking. 

Sometimes we need someone else praying alongside us to lift us up and give us strength. And sometimes we feel so helpless that prayer is the best thing we can offer. 

In this post we will look at 14 powerful prayers for fertility that you can use to help a friend or daughter in need. 

Whether you want to pray to a Catholic Saint or a Norse Goddess, there are lots of way to ask a higher power for help. 

Fertility prayer for a friend

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14 Fertility Prayers for a Friend 

Below you will find some great fertility prayers for a daughter, friend, or family member. 

There are numerous Bible passages that talk about fertility plus there are at least two Saints that can help with infertility issues. 

You can check out some of the Bible verses about infertility here. 

St Philomena and St Gerard are the most well-known Saints so they are a good place to start! 

Prayer to St Philomena

St. Philomena is an important Saint in the Catholic church when it comes to fertility and getting pregnant. 

 She is globally known as a patron of babies, infants, and youth.

Dearest St. Philomena, You have been a blessing to countless people.

Now it’s time to bless my friend with a child and your guidance to raise him/her.

I believe you have been closest to God, so I request you to let God know her desire and fill her life with a blessing, a baby. Amen.”

Fertility Prayer To St Gerard

St Gerard is the Patron Saint of Fertility and the most common Saint to pray for when you have a friend or daughter struggling with infertility. 

There are many different prayers to St Gerard, the one below is the best one if you are praying for fertility for someone else.

O dear St. Gerard, I came here to pray for a child that my daughter/friend has desires to  for months. I believe in all the miracles you did and hoping for one for her and her husband/partner.

O dearest son of God, hear my prayer and answer it as soon as possible. Amen.

If you want to check out another prayer to St Gerard, the most common one can be found here. 

You can also download a free printable Prayer to St Gerard artwork here.

More Fertility Prayers

Miracle Prayer About Getting Pregnant

“Dear Father, The world is aware of your miracles, and so am I.

I come to you in the name of my daughter/friend. She has tried to conceive without success. 

Please shower your blessing upon her.

Lord, I am praying you bless her with a child. I am expecting your miracle into her life.


Prayer For Strength

Dear God, we pray that you would give this woman the desires and ambition she needs to become a mother.

Give her strength when all seems too difficult in order for your will come alive through these women who are so desperate to bear fruit from their womb’s seed!


Prayer for Trust in God’s Plan

Lord, I come to you with a prayer of my heart for my friend who is struggling to have a baby.

Dear Heavenly Father, please help her realize this deep desire to have a little baby filled with God’s love.

She is afraid that she is destined to be a childless woman without her own children.

Dear Father, please bless her with the precious gift of life.

Help her to trust God’s plan that she can have a healthy pregnancy and get her heart’s desire.

Thank you O lord, Amen

Fertility Prayer For A Friend Who Is Struggling

Dear God Of Goodness, The biggest blessing you can bestow upon a woman is a healthy new baby.

In the name of Jesus, please help my daughter who longs for her own baby.

She is full of deep sorrow and her heart’s desire is a positive pregnancy test.

Please bless her with her first child filled with God’s love

In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen

Prayer From Genesis

Heavenly Father, Isaac prayed to You on behalf of his wife because she was childless.

Isaac knew that it is You who blesses a woman with a child regardless of if she is barren or not.

Fertility is in Your hands and is under Your control, Lord. I pray for fertility over my friend’s/daughter’s life.

Answer my prayer like You answered Isaac’s. Through prayer, Isaac’s wife, Rebekah, became pregnant.

Through prayer, I believe she will, too. Amen.

Genesis 25:21

Fertility Prayer From Hebrews

God of Power, nothing is too great for You to accomplish!

By faith, even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered You faithful who had made the promise.

Lord, You have always been faithful to me also; therefore, I know that fertility can be accomplished through You.

Today I am praying for my friend/daughter who needs your help just like Sarah did. 

It doesn’t matter what the doctors say, nor does it matter what even I say.

The most important thing is what You say. Your will for my friend will come to fruition. Amen.
Hebrews 11:11

Fertility Goddess Prayers

There are a number of Fertility Goddesses (and Gods) around the World and it can help to say your prayer directly to one of them.

What exactly is a fertility goddess you might be asking?

Fertility deities are the spirits of nature who represent sex, pregnancy and childbirth.

They’re usually associated with crops like wheat or barley; some people call on them for successful harvests while others, like us, can call upon them to help with fertility issues. 

How To Prayer To A Goddess For Your Friend

A lot of people like to make an offering when praying for a friend or family member, especially if you are praying to a fertility Goddess.

You might also like to hold a fertility crystal such as Moonstone in your hand while they saying the prayer. 

Be specific about your request, instead of just “to keep my friend in her thoughts.

Hail the goddess three times, each time praising her or calling her by an epithet or byname.

State your reason for approaching her,  again, be specific. Give your offering.

Later, when your friend becomes pregnant,  make another offering in thanks.

For more information about the ritual of praying to Goddesses, I highly recommend reading the the ritual format on Lārhūs Fyrnsida. 

Demeter – Greek Goddess of Fertility and Harvest

In Greek Mythology, Demeter appears as a goddess of health, birth, and marriage. She is also the Goddess of  agriculture. 

Here is a great fertility prayer for a friend to Demeter. 

Demeter. Beloved Mother of the Earth and all that grows,

Fill my friend with your love of all that lives,

That she may be open to the pleasures of life.

Demeter, I offer my love to you and ask you to help her and her love grow,

Like the crops and plants you tend.

With the eternal love of the mother,

Guide her that she may know the seasons of love

And when to grow, when to nurture and when to rest;

Fertile lady of the mysteries of life,

Teach her and bless her with your wisdom,

that her love may always grow.”

Brigid, Irish Goddess of Fertility

Brigid is a great Goddess to pray to if your friend is dealing with health issues that have made conceiving an issue such as endometriosis or hormonal issues. 

Fertility prayer for a friend to Brigid

Goddess Brigid, my friend,  needs your guidance
She needs you to heal her body
She need you to bless her soul
Please help her to get the nourishing energies of your spirit
She is open to embrace a fertile life
She is open to give her body a chance to flourish
Please give her a chance to become a mother
Blessed be
Thank you

Priapus, God Of Male Fertility

What if you need a fertility prayer for a friend struggling with male infertility?

Priapus, The Roman God of male fertility is who you should direct your prayer to.

Priapus, God of the male energy, Lord of male fertility

I ask you to help my dear friend, who is suffering
He is strong, he is brave, he is grounded…
he deserves to be a father, but he needs you help
Your energy is what is missing to his life for his body to unveil his dream
Make him a father
Make him create a life
He am worthy
Blessed be
Thank you”

Freyja, Norse Goddess of Fertility, War and Abundance 

Freyja is the Scandinavian Goddess of fertility and can be called upon for assistance in childbirth and conception.

Many people like to offer Freyja some honey or mead when they pray to her. 

Below is a great fertility prayer for a friend or loved one to Freya. 

Freyja, Goddess of Fertility and abundance, 

I need your help, Freyja, to help my daughter/friend. 

Please help her to conceive and become as fertile as you, Freyja. 

Make her a woman and help her to fulfil her heart’s desires. 

Thank You Freyja for bestowing your power on her. 

Prayer For Successful Implantation

If you or a loved one is going through IVF, you might want to say a prayer for successful implantation, here are a couple of options:

Dear Lord, 

I pray that you will sow a seed inside my friend, and that if implantation is in the will of God  then I pray that her seed will attach, grow, develop, embed deep and be secure until a baby grows. 

Almighty Lord, 

I come before you asking for help. My friend is about to have embryos  transferred in her womb. Please, oh gracious God, let them be attached and grow  stringer and stronger each day and let all her dreams of becoming a mother be realized. 

Infertility Prayers For Someone In Need

The fertility prayers above can help to boost your friend’s spirit and give them strength in tough times.

Whether you choose to pray to a Catholic Saint or a Norse Goddess, the choice is yours. The important thing is that you spend some time thinking of your friend and believing that your prayers will be answered. 

Want more fertility prayers? Here are some of most popular Prayers for Fertility And Infertility In The Bible

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fertility prayers for a friend

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