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What Should I Be Eating While Pregnant (After Infertility?)

Once you start growing a little baby inside you, everything changes. Not only are you suddenly responsible for another human being but there are so many do and don’ts, especially around what you should be eating while pregnant. 

In this post I want to tell you a little bit about how you should focus your nutrition while pregnant, without obsessing or starving yourself. 

This post is the sequel to The Fertility Diet that changed my life. Even if you have not struggled with infertility, the fertility diet is a good basis for healthy eating but it does require some tweaks in pregnancy. 

what should I be Eating while pregnant

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What Should I Be Eating While Pregnant?

If you have been following a high protein diet, then now is definitely the time to make some changes, especially as your pregnancy progresses. 

You might find that carbs are the only thing that stave off your morning sickness so if thats all you can stomach, go ahead. Make sure to try these natural morning sickness remedies too. 

That being said protein is still really important during pregnancy so I would recommend keeping up your fertility diet although you don’t need to be as strict. The main thing is to not fall back into your carb-rich diet of pasta and sandwiches at every meal. 

How Much Protein Should You Eat While Pregnant?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, “Protein positively affects the growth of fetal tissue, including the brain. It also helps your breast and uterine tissue to grow during pregnancy, and it plays a role in your increasing blood supply.”

Protein is just as important for your growing baby as it was for your cell development when you were TTC. 

So how much protein is ideal? Experts recommend 75-100g of protein a day. You can use a free app like MyFitnessPal to track your intake. 

75-100g equals two to three servings of meat, fish, eggs etc a day. 

One big change in what you should eating while pregnancy versus trying to get pregnant is that you really want to make sure to incorporate dairy into your diet as it is good for your baby’s bones and teeth buds.

I drank a glass of tumeric milk every night while pregnant. 

How Does A Pregnancy Diet Differ from The Fertility Diet? 

First of – no need to worry about your Protein: Carbohydrate ratios anymore. You don’t need to worry if you eat more than 40% carbs as long as you are including lots of protein in your daily meals. 

Along with getting enough protein, eating lots of  Foods With Folate is also essential during pregnancy. Salads are your friend! 

Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, you should not be counting calories while you are pregnant, in fact you will want to add around 300 calories a day to your normal diet. 300 calories does not count as eating for two! 

What About Caffeine During Pregnancy? 

While the jury is actually out about the relation between Fertility And Caffeine, it is definitely advised to ease up on the coffee once you find out you are pregnant. 200mg of more of caffeine a day may cause an increased rate of miscarriage.

Should You Stop Taking Your Fertility Vitamins During Pregnancy?

This is something where you should consult with your doctor at your first appointment. Personally, I did stop all supplements other than my prenatal vitamin and an Omega 3 supplement. 

With my first pregnancy I took baby aspirin because I heard it can prevent miscarriage but my OB made sure I stopped it before my third trimester as it can cause premature labour and bleeding. 

Also make sure to stop taking any tea that has Red Raspberry leaf in it (such as fertilitea) as it can cause uterine contractions. 

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