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Traffic Transformation Review – Grow Your Blog Traffic

If you do a search for blog traffic on Pinterest, you will get hundreds of results promising you the “10 ways to boost your blog”  and “Grow your traffic like crazy”. Read on for my Traffic Transformation Review and see what really worked for me. 

When I first started blogging, I think I read almost every single one of those articles, took notes and tried the different techniques (which often contradict each other, by the way).

Tips to grow your blog traffic and increase your page views using social media and more

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What I realized through my research is that sometimes a tactic will work for one person but that doesn’t actually mean it’s a tactic that works for everyone else.

Maybe they got lucky, maybe they just have awesome content that would do well even if they had awful, dark, square pins (the horror!) and no social media presence, or maybe they just have a ton more Facebook friends than me who share their content?

While I was in the midst of pondering this, I came across an ebook that actually seemed to have some techniques that might be universal. I read it through 3 times, made a lot of notes and started slowly implementing the strategies and, I really think that this might be it!

The ebook, Traffic Transformation Guide: 21 Strategies I Used to Increase My Monthly Page Views from 17k to 400k+ in 10 Months may have a bit of a clunky title but inside the content is concise, clear and easy to understand.

It’s written with the newer blogger in mind, but would be really useful for anyone who is struggling to grow their traffic and who feels like they are juggling a million balls between social media, marketing, and just publishing great content.

My Honest Traffic Transformation Review 

What Traffic Transformation covers:

  • The blog promoting strategies we all do that you should quit right now
  • What kinds of posts do well and what ones tank.
  • How to use Google Analytics to plan your blog content
  • How to create continuous blog traffic from the same post again and again
  • The things you need to do as soon as you publish a new post
  • How to use less common social media such as Google +
  • How to prepare for algorithm changes and other things you can’t control

As is probably clear from the book title (no ambiguity here), the author, Lena Gott of the blog ” What Mommy Does” grew her blog to 400K page views in just 10 months!

As a result of the new traffic, she increased her monthly blog income from $600 to over $7000 which is amazing and goes to show that it IS all about the traffic.

Who should take the Traffic Transformation course?

Anyone who feels pulled in a million directions when it comes to what to do to increase page views will benefit highly from this course.

I think it is great for the blogger who wants to learn how to quickly grow their blog traffic and maximize their time for the biggest return on investment possible.

What I love about Traffic Transformation

  • It’s a quick, easy read. I’m not a huge fan of video courses right now as I am often trying to do blog stuff while feeding the baby a bottle or when the kids are napping so the less noise, the better.
  • It is highly actionable. I like getting homework and I like giving myself a to-do list with steps that I can achieve a little at a time.
  • The “what not to do” guide. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like there is so much that we are told we should be doing to get traffic. Who has the time? I love that Lena cuts to the chase on what is worth spending time on and what isn’t based on her own research.

Who is the book not for?

Well, if you already have 500K+ page views, this may not be the book for you.

That being said, I bet even you could learn something from some of Lena’s strategies on how to pick topics that work or how to use the lesser known social media outlets.

How do I get my hands on the book?

So you’ve read my Traffic Transformation Review and are interested in checking it out? Well the great news is that Lena updates the book all the time. 

In fact, it just had a major update with tons more information and sections. It currently costs $79 which is a good price for so much actionable information.  

The information is so valuable and useful that I think I made back my money in Google Adsense alone in the first few weeks. And you know how slow going that is!

You can learn more about the book and purchase it here: Traffic Transformation.

If $79 is a bit too steep for you right now but you still need to grow your traffic, download the free Blog Traffic Bonus Guide from Lena, it has a lot of tips and ideas to grow your traffic. You can download it here.

Click here for the Traffic Transformation Course

Click Here for The Free Traffic Guide

Let me know if you have any questions about the book, I’m always here to chat.  If you purchase it, let me know how you get on and how it helps your traffic – would love to hear from you! 
Traffic Transformation review

More Blogging Tips:

How to use Pinterest Group Boards to Explode Your Blog

8 Pinterest Group Boards for Mommy Bloggers

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Why Tailwind Communities are Awesome for Promoting Your Pins

4 Easy (Free!) Ways to Promote Your Pins

Optimizing Your Pinterest Strategy

Is Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Worth the Money?

Create The Perfect Pin In Minutes!

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Jessica Devlin

Tuesday 16th of May 2017

well, sounds good to me. i can always use more traffic.

Michelle @ Who Says What

Tuesday 16th of May 2017

Through your experience with the ebook, did using the tips work to exponentially grow your blog traffic? Ive always been interested in purchasing and ebook to learn and support other bloggers but am always skeptical of their value. Did the things she teach differ from what you can learn for free through internet research? Great post!


Tuesday 16th of May 2017

Hi Michelle, thanks so much for your comment. I totally hear you on buying ebooks and spending money for something that you can get for free. For my, I've definitely found that the tips in Lena's book have completely grown my blog Traffic. I started implementing her strategies at the beginning of April and by the end of the month, my traffic had grown by over 1000% compared with March. I haven't completed all of the action items yet so im expecting to continue growing as I delve into Google + etc. The thing I like about the book is that it's not a sales pitch for Tailwind or Boardbooster which is what I found with a lot of the free stuff I found online. This ebook is more about how to improve your blog and blog posts to grow your audience. Hope that helps!

Brittany Ferrell

Monday 15th of May 2017

I am very interested because I feel like I still have so much to learn. I know that I am not using SEO and keywords to the fullest potential. Tech savvy, I am not! I also am interested in how to better utilize all social media platforms. I will check this out!


Monday 15th of May 2017

Thanks for your comment, Brittany! I too feel like I have so much to learn still, I have a feeling it is a never ending process lol. This book definitely helped me sort out what to prioritize what to spend my limited time on and gave me a lot of things to improve which seem to have made a difference.

Jobie Medina

Wednesday 10th of May 2017

This ebook looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing. And I agree, you didn't sound spammy. I need all the help I can get so I'll check out this ebook.


Wednesday 10th of May 2017

Thanks Jobie! I hope you find the book helpful! It's so hard to wade through all the information out there. If you do try out the book, let me know what you think! Maybe we need a blog traffic support group lol.


Wednesday 10th of May 2017

I never buy blogging books. I've only bought one in 1.5 years of blogging. This is the second. You didn't sound spammy so I appreciate that. Let you know how it goes!


Wednesday 10th of May 2017

Please do! I'm curious if you find it as useful as I have. I still need to dig into the Google + and Stumble Upon stuff but the things I have done so far have really seemed to work. I've been disappointed in the past with some blogging books etc but this one seems to give a lot of bang for my buck! Keep me posted!