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5 Winter Hacks That Will Get You Through To Spring

As we brace ourselves for the onslaught of freezing cold weather, icy roads and snow storms, there are a few things that can make winter go by just a little bit faster.

The winter hacks below will not only ease your winter blues but they will also save you some money on your heating bills, save your back from snow shoveling and keep your car on the road.#Winter Hacks that will help you embrace the cold and save money!

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Top 5 Winter Hacks

Homemade De-Icer

Mix 1/3 water with 2/3 Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol) in an empty spray bottle and voila!  This spray works wonders! It has totally changed my winter mornings.

Homemade deicer. Make this de-icer with just two ingredients.

Spray Oil to Make Shoveling Easier

Spritz your snow shovel with some vegetable or canola oil from a spray can before you get to work. The snow will slide right off and save your back!

Cat Litter For Your Car Tires

Even if you don’t own any pets, pick up some kitty litter and keep it in the trunk of your car. It will provide traction under your tires if you get stuck in the snow.

Use Pool salt on your driveway

If you are out of salt or live in an area that doesn’t normally get snow, swimming  Pool Salt is a great substitute for the real stuff. It works amazingly. I only discovered this one horrific winter when every single store ran out of road salt and I was desperate. I actually prefer it from the real stuff now! Plus it looks prettier.

Get Some Warmth From Your Oven

When you are done cooking or baking, Turn the oven off and keep the door open until it completely cools down. Your house will be heated up for free! Don’t use the oven has a heater though, it’s not safe.

Get More Tips to Save on Your Heating Bill – 10 Frugal Ways to Keep Warm This Winter

Let me know if you have any other brilliant winter life hacks! We have 1 ft forecast tomorrow so I need all the help I can get! Comment below.


More Money Saving Tips

10 Frugal Ways to Keep Warm This Winter

31 Frugal Ways to Slash Bills and Save Money

30 Ways to Save on Groceries



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