Maybe you don’t need to do it, but if this is your first Christmas with your little one, you probably want to find some cute baby stocking stuffers for them to open on Christmas morning.
This is especially important if you have older children who are expecting Santa to fill their own stockings and would question the baby not having his or her own.
The big question is, what to put in a baby’s stocking?
Let’s face it, most babies would be happy with some empty boxes and some crinkly paper in their stockings.
You don’t need to overthink it or go overboard with expensive items to make your baby’s first Christmas stocking a success!
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The easiest baby stocking stuffers are things they need. Fill the stocking with things you would be buying anyway.
You can then round out the stocking with a few special items like a baby’s first Christmas ornament or special outfit.
20 Baby Stocking Stuffers For Christmas
1. Fruit/Veggie Pouch
If your baby is old enough to start on solids, then one of the easiest baby stocking stuffers is an organic baby food pouch.
Chances are you will be buying them anyway so it’s not a big deal to add one to the stocking as a little treat.
2. Socks
Socks are always a classic stocking stuffer for adults and why not get baby some too?
Little baby socks don’t take up much room in a stocking so you can put a few pairs in.
3. Personalized Teething Ring
A personalized teething ring like these bestselling ones from Porridge Kid on Etsy are so cute and perfect for baby’s first Christmas.
4. Sippy Cup
Even if your child is not quite there yet, it won’t be long before they are ready to try a sippy cup.
My favorite is the Munchkin 360 cup which is suitable for ages 6 months +.
Because there is no nipple, you don’t have to worry about baby’s teeth being affected and it is completely spill-proof.
Hair Bows
Obviously, this might not be a good one if you have a baby boy, but little hair bows make a great stocking stuffer for baby girls.
This set from Amazon comes in a 10 pack of really cute hair bows for babies.
6. Pacifiers
If your baby takes a pacifier, put some new ones in their stocking.
I love these glow-in-the-dark pacifiers from MAM because baby can see them in the crib during the night and it eliminates the middle of the night crying for a lost pacifier.
7. A Can of Puffs
All babies love puffs and they are great for practising hand-eye coordination and their pincer grip.
I love these organic quinoa puffs as they are gluten and dairy-free.
8. Toothbrush
Even if you are still waiting for that first tooth to appear, it’s never too early to get baby used to brushing their teeth.
In our house everyone gets a new toothbrush in their stocking and babies are no exception!
The banana toothbrush has been a bestseller for years and is great for getting your baby used to the feel of a toothbrush.
9. Bath Toys
A new bath toy a great baby stocking stuffer idea because they are normally quite small and will last for a long time.
I like these bubble toys from Munchkin. My daughter loved trying to catch them as they floated around the bathtub.
10. Toy Phone
All babies love playing with phones – pushing buttons to make lights and noises.
They make great baby stocking stuffers because they don’t cost too much and are perfectly stocking sized.
11. Pacifier Clip
If your baby does take a pacifier, a clip to keep it attached to the stroller or their clothes is a great stocking stuffer.
There is nothing worse than losing a pacifier on a walk and having to deal with screaming for the next 20 minutes! Plus they aren’t always cheap!
I love these pacifier clips from Quinn and Lane on Etsy.
You can choose from a range of colours or even create your own combination. Plus they double up as a baby teether.
12. Baby Leg warmers
Nothing is cuter than little squishy baby legs in leg warmers.
You can get 5 pairs for free at, just use code SEASIDE100 at checkout to pay only shipping and handling.
You can get even more free stuff (Pay shipping & Handling), like free custom pacifiers and baby mocs using the same code SEASIDE100 – check out this post for more details- Want Free Baby Stuff? Ultimate List of Freebies for New & Expecting Moms .
13. Waterproof Bib
If you are wondering what to put in your 1 year old’s Christmas stocking then make sure to include a bib!
Once babies start eating solids things get messy fast, especially if you are doing baby-led weaning.
Bibs that have sleeves are awesome for older babies and toddlers and you can even use them for painting and messy crafts at home.

14. Toy Remote Control
If you have a baby who is always reaching for the remote, one of the best baby stocking stuffers you can buy is their own remote control!
I like this one from VTech because it is actually black and looks like a real remote.
It always gets awesome reviews on Amazon.
15.Personalized Baby Hat
A cute hat is a great stocking stuffer for any age but these personalized ones are so cute for babies!
You can get these bestselling hats from Baby Squishy Cheeks on Etsy.
16. Cloth Book
Cloth books are great for babies.
There are no pages to rip and they are easy to stuff in your diaper bag for on-the-go entertainment.
I love all the Lamaze learning toys and their cloth books are awesome for little hands.
17. Munch Mitt
If you have a baby who is always putting his or her hands in their mouth, then the Munch Mitt is for you.
It’s machine washable and you can attach it to baby’s hand with the velcro strap so they don’t get frustrated.
18. Fruit Feeder
These silicone fruit feeders are so much better than the mesh ones that are impossible to clean.
You can put a piece of fruit inside and let baby suck away. I like using a frozen piece of fruit like mango or peach.
19. Baby Spoons
Whether you plan to do baby led weaning or feed your baby the old fashioned way, these training spoons will make it a breeze.
These spoons encourage self-feeding and look really cool too!
20. Stroller Toy
No stocking would be complete without a stuffed toy but it’s nice to get one that does double duty and keeps baby entertained for longer than a few minutes.
Freddie The Firefly is an Amazon bestseller and attaches to the crib or stroller so it doesn’t get lost.
It has crinkly wings, mirrors and squeaky buttons.
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