Finding out you are expecting is so exciting but many women wonder how to tell your husband you’re pregnant in a memorable way.
Look no further than this awesome list of 51 cute pregnancy announcements for husbands as soon as you get your positive pregnancy test.
Some of these creative ideas are so cute that I wish I was pregnant again just so I could use them!
Bear in mind that pregnancy announcements for husbands don’t have to be fancy or expensive.
As my husband mentioned, just leaving this post open on your laptop for him to find would be pretty funny but of course, there are more creative ways to announce than that.
Read on for all of our fun ideas!
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How soon should you tell your husband you’re pregnant?
The second you know! Unlike announcing a pregnancy to family in person, you can tell your husband the moment you find out.
Where you have been trying for ages and are looking for a great pregnancy announcement after infertility or this is a completely surprise pregnancy announcement, the best way is the one that suits you.
How you tell your partner you are pregnant is up to you but making it special is fun and will be something you will look back on for years to come.
How To Tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant
Are you ready to find the best pregnancy announcement for sharing your big news with your husband? Read on for some of the best ideas out there!
1. Baby Food
Serve your husband a dinner of baby food. I don’t meant Gerber, rather give him baby sliders or baby back ribs paired with baby carrots and baby corn
Or you could make his favorite pasta dish but use baby pasta instead of your regular type.
You can use these mini pasta shells, for example.
They are sure to send a sweet message that you have a new arrival on the way.
2. Golf Pregnancy Announcement To Husband
If you are looking for a way to tell your golf fanatic hubby that you are pregnant, this stainless steel golf ball marker makes a great pregnancy announcement gift for your husband.
3. Pregnancy Riddles For Husband
An adorable way to share the news of your new addition is with a pregnancy announcement riddle to keep him guessing.
You could put them on a little note in his lunch bag or leave it on the dash of his car for the next time he drives.
Here are some fun examples:
“Is it pink, is it blue? All I know is when I’m due!”
“A boy or a girl, I do not know, it won’t be long before I begin to show!”
” Something’s cooking in the oven, something sweet, cute and loving”
“I’m small and sweet, I don’t eat much. When I arrive there will be a big fuss”
“A long awaited surprise I am, the newest member of our fam”
4. Scavenger Hunt
If you are looking for a fun pregnancy announcement idea, a good idea is to make your husband work for the big reveal.
One way to do this is to create a fun pregnancy announcement scavenger hunt to tell you husband you are expecting.
It is a super fun way to share the good news in a memorable way and means you can share the big announcement right at home in the living room.
You can download my free printable pregnancy scavenger hunts here – just print them off and find a great place to hide the notes!
5. Hello Daddy Onesie
If this is your first pregnancy, a perfect way to share the news is to present dad-to-be with a cute Hello Daddy baby Onesie like this one from Etsy.
Just pop it in a gift box for a sweet surprise for dad.
6. A Bun In The Oven
If dad-to-be has a sweet tooth, why not share the exciting news in a classic way?
For this funny pregnancy announcement, all you have to do is place a bun of some sort in the oven and ask him to help you out in the kitchen.
7. An Announcement Keyring
If you would like to share news of your first baby in a sweet keepsake, how about switching out his key chain for a cute pregnancy announcement one.
8. Wrap up the pregnancy test
This is one of the most popular pregnancy announcements for your husband or boyfriend.
Wrap your positive test up in a big box and surprise your husband with the ultimate gift.
Another super simple idea is to download a pregnancy app for dads onto his phone and let him work it out for himself!
9. Put a message on the dog
Do you have a furry friend in the house who is about to become a big brother or sister?
Get a doggy bandana (Etsy has lots of options for cute bandanas) and let man’s best friend announcement your pregnant for you!
Here are 31 Ideas For A Pregnancy Announcement With Dogs if you need more inspiration.
10. Make a Cracker
You might be familiar with crackers from Christmas as they are common in both the UK and Canada.
Essentially each person pulls an end and one person ends up with the prize and joke or fortune.
You can easily make this DIY Christmas pregnancy announcement yourself.
Add a pacifier and a note telling your husband that you are pregnant.
Get the full tutorial on making your own crackers here.
11. Make A Cake
A cake pregnancy announcement is a clever way to tell your husband that you are expecting – make a cake, cut it into two layers and hide a little baby doll in the middle for him to find or add a secret message to the frosting that only he will understand.
If you love this sweet idea, make sure to check out our 11 Sweet Donut Pregnancy Announcement Ideas.
These rainbow sprinkles would also make a great Rainbow Baby Pregnancy Announcement.
12. Police Officer Pregnancy Announcement
Looking for a pregnancy announcement for your cop husband?
Check out this cute “daddy’s back up” onesie from Le Petit Linge Blanc on Etsy.
It would make a great gift and the perfect police pregnancy announcement idea.
13. You’re Going To Be A Daddy
Next time you are at the dinner table, have a bowl of ice cream for dessert and give your husband this special spoon to use.
This is one of the most creative pregnancy announcement ideas I have come across and is a great way to celebrate this special time.
14. Send A Card
Keep it simple with a fun love letter or pregnancy reveal card.
You could leave it next to his cup of coffee in the morning or give it to him with a box of chocolates.
There are some really cute cards to announce a pregnancy on Etsy:
I tested positive but not for Covid
Hey Good Looking, We’ve got a baby cooking
You’d better start practicing your dad jokes
15. Oops We Did It Again
Are you looking for a fun baby announcement for your second time on the merry-go-round?
If you are looking for a fun way for announcing a 2nd pregnancy to your husband, put some Britney Spears on the iPod and crank it up. You can even get a card to go with it.
16. Lotto Scratch Cards
These pregnancy scratch-offs reveal your new baby news for you! The great thing about these scratch cards is that you can give them to the whole family.
They makes such as cute and unique way to announce your pregnancy.
17. Baby Treasure Hunt
Here is a hilarious way to tell your husband that you are pregnant. Grab these baby toys from Amazon and hide them all over your house!
I did this with my husband and he was literally finding them for weeks, it was so funny.
18. Say It With Words
Leave a pregnancy book on his nightstand and wait for his reaction. I love this book for first time dads as it is funny and speaks clearly about what to expect.
19. Make Him A Drink
This idea requires your husband to clue in and notice the ice cubes but if you can pull it off, this is a super sneaky way to announce your pregnancy to your partner.
Make ice cubes in a baby shape like these pacifier ones and drop them into his favorite drink when he gets home from work.
20. Measure The Baby
You know those charts that show baby is the size of a poppy seed or blueberry? Announce your pregnancy by serving your husband a bowl of the fruit that matches your baby right now (the cute planner stickers below are available from Bluebird Design Shop Co on Etsy).
21. New Teammate
Another fun way to tell your husband you’re pregnant if they are a big sports fan is to get tiny booties or a little onesie with their team logo.
22. Customize A Pacifier
Giving your husband a custom shirt to celebrate your first child is a great idea but even better us to customize baby items such as a baby bottle or pacifier.
At Custom Pacifiers you can literally create any pacifier you want and use it as your pregnancy announcement. Use promo code SEASIDE100 to get one custom pacifier completely FREE!
23. Get The Kids To Tell Him
If you already have children, grab them a Big Brother or Big Sister t-shirt and get them to tell daddy that another baby is on the way!
By the way, we have a great list of 19 Gifts For An Older Sibling When Baby Is Born.
24. Morning Coffee
A really cute way to tell him that he is going to be a dad is to put the message in the bottom of his coffee cup.
Just make sure he doesn’t rush out the door before drinking it all!
25. Toast The News
Pregnancy is an exciting time so why not celebrate with a bottle of bubbly? (obviously you can’t drink it but your hubby can!).
You can buy customizable wine labels from Etsy and add your due date to them for an extra special announcement.
26. Jigsaw Puzzle
This is one of those cute ideas that I wish I had thought of. You can get cute messages like this one engraved onto a funny puzzle that will tell him some big news once he completes it!
27. Anagram It
Make him work with this cute scrambled t-shirt announcement.
28. The First Bedtime Story
Give your partner their first storybook to read to baby.
I love anything by Todd Parr and The Daddy Book is no exception.
29. Get Him A T-Shirt
This is a nice easy way to tell him that he is about to become a father.
A cute t-shirt is always a hit with the guys and he will love wearing this one.
30. Say It With Chocolate
This is a really sweet way to announce your pregnancy to your husband or to anyone, in fact!
31. We Have A Winner
If you are looking for a pregnancy announcement after IVF or IUI, you might find this coffee mug a humorous way to spread the news.
32. Double Dip
A funny DIY way to announce your pregnancy is to prepare dinner as normal but give yourself double of everything – two plates with the exact same dinner on it, after all, you are eating for two!
33. Download an App
Be sneaky and download a pregnancy app for dads onto his phone.
Make sure to turn on notifications and wait for the first time he sees a “Baby is now the size of a blueberry” message pop up! Here are the top 5 pregnancy apps for dads.
34. Say It With Shoes
Leave a tiny pair of baby shoes for him to find. Even funnier if you put them inside his work boots or sneakers.
You can get a free pair of baby shoes like the ones pictured at Little Wanderers (Value $29.95) with promo code SEASIDE100. Just enter the code at at checkout.
35. Special Delivery
Let a cute stork reveal your news by leaving this cute stuffed stork on your husband’s pillow and making him guess!
36. Fishing Lure
If your husband is into fishing you can tell him you are pregnant with a cute new lure.
37. Let the Cookie Do The Talking
A cookie pregnancy announcement is always fun and is perfect if you are looking for a Valentine’s Day pregnancy announcement.
You know those huge cookies you can get at mall bake shops? Get one custom made with a “I’m Pregnant” message.
38. Say It With Candy
Keep it sweet with some baby themed candy.
You could have a movie night at home and bring out the snacks when you share your big news.
Ideas include:
39. Diaper Delivery
Get an Amazon order of Pampers sent to your house, addressed to him, he will be confused before he realizes the meaning behind this special delivery.
40. Say It With Lipstick
A really simple way to make an impression is to leave a cute message on the bathroom mirror in lipstick!
This is one husband pregnancy announcement that doesn’t cost a penny and is sure to be well-received.
41. Team Player
If you partner plays a team sport, you can introduce him to his biggest fan a bit early with this cute t-shirt from First Light Shop on Etsy.
42. Game Night
If you like playing games with your husband, you can tell him you are pregnant during game night.
You could play Hangman and make him guess the word “Pregnancy” or “baby”.
Likewise you could announce your pregnancy during a game of scrabble.
43. Get A Celebrity To Share Your News
Did you know that you can get your husband’s favorite sports player or celebrity to tell him he is about to become a dad? will allow you to choose from hundreds of different celebrities and book a private message.
44. Give Him A Baby Book
An easy and cute way to announce your pregnancy is to buy a baby book and leave it on the kitchen counter for your partner to find.
You’ll need one anyone so it’s a great way to kick off the next nine months.
45. Balloon Baby
Blow up some Baby balloons and hang them somewhere he can see them when he walks through the day.
46. Hide and Seek
Here is a super easy pregnancy reveal – use a digital pregnancy test and hide it somewhere in plain sight. On top of the TV remote or snack drawer works well.
47. Say It With Letters
If you have one of those oh- so trendy letter boards, you could add a fun message telling your husband the news along with an ultrasound picture.
Letter board pregnancy announcements are great for social media too.
48. Tell His Fortune
Did you know that you can get personalized pregnancy announcements made in fortune cookies?
Etsy has a lot of options and you can also try making your own.
I have lots of other Sweet Cookie Pregnancy Announcement Ideas here.
49. Schitt’s Creek Pregnancy Announcement
If your partner is a fan of the show, you can incorporate it in your pregnancy announcement with a cute card.
50. Movie Night
Dig out the popcorn and have a movie night. You could watch Babies or What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
51. Gamer Pregnancy Announcement
If you are a gaming family and are wondering how to to tell your husband you’re pregnant, here is a cute announcement for you.
This is an editable digital download file that you can make your own.
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